Getting paid to read email is a simple and enjoyable way to earn money online. You could be earning money right away because PTR Programs don't require any preparation to start. All you have to do in order to earn some money online, is to sign up for a couple of ptr programs, and then spend some time reading email, visiting websites, and considering the advertised offers. PTR programs are ideal for everyone, because signing up with them is totally free, and it's easy and fun to earn some money with them. There are literally hundreds of PTR programs you could join, and that can make it hard to choose. Especially when your new to ptr, and haven't got a clue what the best programs are. The ptr programs you will find on this websites are all paying programs. dedicated to offer you a selection of only the best and highest paying ptr programs, and information, available on the internet today.
What are PTR Programs ? PTR stands for Paid to Read. A PTR program is a website where members earn money for reading email and visiting advertised websites. Becoming a member of a ptr site is free. The many emails they send, all come with a link that needs to be clicked in order to visit the sponsored website, and to get credited for doing so. When you visit the website there will be a timer on top of the page, and when it expires you will receive a fee in your account. The value of this fee depends on the type of advertisement, and the program itself. Usefully the value of one email is between 0.25 and 2 cent. Please be aware of PTR programs that promise you more then then that! There are programs out there, that promise their members $1 or even $100 emails, but these programs are definitely not going to pay you.
Where does the money come from ? All the money circulated in the ptr industry, comes from advertisers and promoters. From big advertising companies to ordinary people promoting their websites, the ptr industry is a place where everyone can buy affordable advertising, and reach thousands of people from all over the world. Paid Email advertisements can often be geographically targeted, or targeted by the member's selected interests. Advertising with a ptr program can be quite lucrative, and that is why many advertisers have found a way to make profit in the ptr industry.
When do I get paid ? You can request a payout when your account earnings have reached the minimum payout level, witch is specific to the certain program. Most ptr programs have a low minimum payout like 2 or 5 dollars. Some of them even have a no-minimum payout level, witch technically is a 1 cent payout. Most programs pay within 72 hours of your request. Some ptr programs are even faster and pay within a couple of hours. However, a ptr program has always stated in their TOS - Terms Of Service - when they are going to make payments
How do I get paid ? PTR Programs all pay by Paypal and - or E-gold. These are online payment processors, kind of like online banks, where you can safely send and receive money online. With these processors, you can not only receive money, you can also spend it. You could buy products on ebay, or gifts in online shopping sites. You could also pay for services like advertising or webhosting, and numerous other things. And of course it's also possible to transfer your funds straight to your bank account.
What are referrals ? Referrals are members you referred to a program. Ptr programs are paying referral commissions, when you bring in a new member. This is a percentage of your referrals earnings. Sometimes an additional bonus applies. Look for the referral center in your account menu. Here you can find your personal referral link. When a person signs up for the program, using your referral link, this person becomes your referral. You can find him back in your downline. Most programs have multiple levels in the downline count. Everyone you refer, will show up in level 1 of your downline. When your referral recruits someone, this referral will show up in level 2, and so on.